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PTFE gaskets have excellent properties of creep resistance, cold flow resistance, ultra-low temperature resistance, no pollution, and easy installation and disassembly. Under a small pre-tightening force, it can withstand considerable internal pressure even in a pressure fluctuation environment. It is very suitable for rough or unevenly worn and fragile glass-faced flanges and temperature-changing sealing occasions. We can choose Gore, Klinger, Garlock, Sealon and other expanded PTFE sheets for customers to produce the required gaskets for customers.


Weerstand teen hoë temperatuur-die werktemperatuur kan 250 ℃ bereik.

Weerstand teen lae temperatuur-het goeie meganiese taaiheid; selfs as die temperatuur tot -196 ℃ daal, kan dit ‘n rek van 5% behou.

Korrosiebestandheid-Dit is inert vir die meeste chemikalieë en oplosmiddels, en kan sterk sure en alkalies, water en verskillende organiese oplosmiddels weerstaan.

Weather resistance-has excellent aging life in plastics.

High lubrication-is the low coefficient of friction in solid materials.

Non-adhesion-it means that the surface tension in the solid material is small and does not adhere to any substance. Its mechanical properties have a very small friction coefficient, which is only 1/5 of that of polyethylene. This is an important feature of the perfluorocarbon surface. In addition, because the fluorine-carbon chain intermolecular forces are extremely low, PTFE is non-sticky.

Non-toxic and harmful-with physiological inertia, as an artificial blood vessel and organ implanted in the body for a long time without adverse reactions.

Elektriese eienskappe Polytetrafluoroethyleen het ‘n lae diëlektriese konstante en diëlektriese verlies in ‘n wye frekwensiebereik, en het ‘n hoë afbreekspanning, volumeweerstand en boogweerstand.

Radiation resistance Polytetrafluoroethylene has poor radiation resistance (104 rad), and it degrades after being exposed to high-energy radiation, and the electrical and mechanical properties of the polymer are significantly reduced. Application Polytetrafluoroethylene can be formed by compression or extrusion processing; it can also be made into water dispersion for coating, dipping or making fibers. PTFE is widely used as high and low temperature resistant, corrosion resistant materials, insulating materials, anti-stick coatings, etc. in nuclear energy, aerospace, electronics, electrical, chemical, machinery, instruments, meters, construction, textiles, food and other industries.

Weerstand teen atmosferiese veroudering: bestralingsweerstand en lae deurlaatbaarheid: langdurige blootstelling aan die atmosfeer, oppervlak en prestasie bly onveranderd.

Nie-brandbaar: Die suurstofgrensindeks is onder 90.

Suur- en alkaliweerstand: onoplosbaar in sterk sure, sterk alkalies en organiese oplosmiddels.

Oksidasieweerstand: bestand teen korrosie deur sterk oksidante.

Suurheid: neutraal.

Die meganiese eienskappe van PTFE is relatief sag. Het ‘n baie lae oppervlak -energie.

Polytetrafluoroethylene (F4, PTFE) has a series of excellent performance: high temperature resistance-long-term use temperature of 200~260 degrees, low temperature resistance-still soft at -100 degrees; corrosion resistance-resistance to aqua regia and all organic solvents; Weather resistance-aging life in plastics; high lubrication-with a small coefficient of friction (0.04) in plastics; non-stickiness-with low surface tension in solid materials without adhesion of any substances; non-toxic-with physiological inertness; excellent electrical properties , Is an ideal C-level insulating material.