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What kinds of aluminum melting furnaces are there ?

What kinds of aluminum melting furnaces are there ?

1. Oil furnace, aluminum melting furnace mainly consumes diesel and heavy oil. Compared with electric furnace, this aluminum melting furnace has better stability, but the energy consumption cost is the most expensive among the five aluminum melting furnaces, and the environment The pollution is greater.

2. Coal furnaces are aluminum melting furnaces that mainly consume coal. This aluminum melting furnace has a low energy consumption cost, but the environmental pollution is the largest, and the country is strictly suppressing it.

3 . Gas stove to consume natural gas consisting mainly of aluminum melting furnace, aluminum melting furnace this relatively environmentally friendly, but the high price of natural gas at the same price, and in some places tight supply of natural gas, the fuel supply is rich in resources is not enough.

4 . Induction narkewa makera , to consume electrical mainly aluminum melting furnace, a resistance furnace melting aluminum , Electromagnetic Induction Aluminum Melting Furnace , matsakaici mita shigarwa tanderu , is now used more aluminum melting furnace is .

aluminum underneath can flow out part of the inclined lower part to prevent explosion.