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The importance of induction coil when choosing high-frequency hardening equipment

The importance of induction coil when choosing high-frequency hardening kayan aiki

When everyone buys high-frequency hardening equipment, most people only pay attention to the equipment itself, but ignore the inductance of the equipment’s induction coil. In fact, the inductance of the induction coil is closely related to the frequency of the high-frequency hardening equipment.

When the high-frequency hardening equipment heats the workpiece, it must work through the induction coil, so the production skills of the inductor can sometimes directly affect the effect and quality of the workpiece heating process.

Ƙunƙarar ƙaddamarwa tana da alaƙa ta kusa da inductance da mita. Babban abubuwan da ke shafar na’urar induction sune adadin coils, adadin daidaitattun, tsayi, diamita na induction coil, diamita na bututun jan ƙarfe, farar juyi, adadin bututun jan ƙarfe, da sauransu. , don haka siyan kayan aiki mai ƙarfi Frequency ya kamata kuma kula da inductance na induction coil.

Gabaɗaya magana: yawan jujjuyawar, mafi girma inductance, kuma ƙananan mitar; in ba haka ba, mafi girma; tsayin tsayi, mafi girman inductance, kuma ƙananan mita; in ba haka ba, mafi girma;

The larger the diameter, the greater the inductance and the lower the frequency; otherwise, the higher; the more the number of parallels, the smaller the inductance and the higher the frequency; otherwise, the lower;

Mafi girman tazarar juzu’i, ƙarami na inductance kuma mafi girman mita, kuma akasin haka; mafi girman diamita na bututun jan ƙarfe, ƙaramin inductance kuma mafi girman mita, kuma akasin haka;

The more the number of copper tubes, the smaller the inductance and the higher the frequency, and vice versa.