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High aluminum hook brick

High aluminum hook brick

Product advantages: low temperature creep, strong corrosion resistance, good thermal shock stability

nkọwa ngwaahịa

High-aluminum hook bricks with alumina content above 48% are neutral refractory materials. It is formed and calcined from bauxite or other raw materials with high alumina content. High-aluminum hook bricks have high thermal stability, and their refractoriness is above 1770℃. The slag resistance is better.

Usoro mmepụta nke brik alumina dị elu na brik ụrọ multi-clinker yiri. Ihe dị iche bụ na oke nke clinker na ihe mejupụtara dị elu, nke nwere ike iru 90-95%. Ekwesịrị ịhazi ụlọ ọgwụ ahụ wee sie ya iji wepu ígwè tupu akụpịa ya, yana oke ọkụ na -agba ọkụ dị ka Ⅰ, b brik alumina dị elu n’ozuzu ya bụ 1500 ~ 1600 ℃ mgbe a na -agba ha ọkụ n’ọkụ ọwara.

Ngosipụta anụ ahụ na kemịkal

Ọkwa/Ndepụta Brik alumina dị elu Brick nke alumina nke abụọ Brick alumina dị elu nwere ọkwa atọ Brick alumina dị oke elu
NXZ-75 NXZ-65 NXZ-55 NXZ-80
AL203 ≧ 75 65 55 80
Fe203% 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.0
Nnukwu njupụta g / cm2 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.7
Ike mkpakọ na ọnụ ụlọ okpomọkụ MPa> 70 60 50 80
Ibu Ibu nro nro ° C 1520 1480 1420 1530
Refractoriness ° C> 1790 1770 1770 1790
Porosity pụtara% 24 24 26 22
Ọnụ mgbanwe mgbanwe ahịrị na -adịgide adịgide% -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2