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Frequently Asked Questions of Refrigerator Water Pump

Domande frequenti di Frigorifero Pompa acqua

The most common problem with chiller water pumps is the flow problem. The chiller pumps are often not directly damaged. Whether it is a cooling water pump or a chilled water pump, the performance after a problem is that the flow rate drops significantly, or is sometimes normal or sometimes malfunctioning.

The water pump of the refrigerator may also “not run”. You must know that the function of the water pump of the refrigerator is to keep the cooling water or chilled water circulating and flowing. The water cooling system, or the “chilled water system” required by any refrigerating machine system, will fail to operate normally due to the shutdown of the water pump. At that time, the refrigerating machine system will naturally not operate normally.

If the refrigerator water pump is damaged and cannot be repaired, it should be replaced immediately, and its pressure, head, flow, power and other parameters should be purchased with reference to the damaged water pump. Do not change its parameters at will or replace the refrigerator water pump with a different power.