- 28
- Dec
The drop fuse is made of uninterrupted fiber wet winding
The drop fuse is made of uninterrupted fiber wet winding
The basic parameters of the drop fuse:
1: Winding angle, 45~65;
2: Isi serat (rasio bobot), 70~75%;
3: Kapadhetan, 2.00 g / cm3;
4: Tingkat panyerepan banyu, kurang saka 0.03%;
5: Koefisien ekspansi termal aksial, 1.8 E-05 1/K;
6: Suhu transisi kaca, 110 ~ 120 ℃;
7: resistance kimia. lenga Mineral: apik banget;
8: Solvent lan dilute asam: banget;
9: Modulus elastisitas tarik, aksial 14000 MPa;
10: kekuatan tarik; aksial 280 MPa; circumferential 600 MPa;
11: Kekuwatan geser: 150 MPa;
12: Kekuatan lentur: 350 MPa ing arah aksial;
13: Kekuwatan kompresi: aksial 240 MPa;
14: Permitivitas relatif 2-3.2;
15: Faktor mundhut dielektrik 0.003-0.015;
16: Kapasitas discharge parsial ≤5;
17: Kekuwatan insulasi: aksial 3~6 kV; radial 10~12 kV;
18: Dampak kilat: 110 KV
19: Kejut frekuensi daya: 50 KV;
20: Kelas tahan panas: kelas B, F, H
21: diameteripun Inner> 5mm; diameteripun njaba <300mm; dawa <2000mm.