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Basic introduction of SMC insulation board products

danasîna bingehîn ya Tabloya insulasyona SMC berhemên

Navê tevahî SMC di panela insulasyona SMC de Sheetmoldingcompound e. Materyalên xav ên sereke ji GF (yarn), UP (resînek ne têrbûyî), lêzêdekirina kêmbûna kêmbûnê, MD (dagirker) û pêvekên cihêreng pêk tê. Tabloya îzolekirinê ya SMC hilberek bi rengê plakaya bi rengên cihêreng e ku ji tevnehevkirina pelika şûşê ya polîesterê ya ne têrkirî hatî çêkirin.

Tabloya insulasyonê ya SMC xwedan hêza mekanîkî, paşveçûna agir, û berxwedana leaksiyonê ya bilindtir e, ji UPM203-ê tenê duyemîn; berxwedana arc, hêza dielectric û berxwedana voltaja; kişandina avê kêm, îstîqrara dimensîyonê, û warpage kêm. SMC insulation board products are mainly used in various insulation partitions of high, medium and low voltage switchgear. The unique performance of SMC composite material solves the shortcomings of wood, steel, and plastic meter boxes that are easy to age, easy to corrode, poor insulation, poor cold resistance, poor flame retardancy, and short life. The excellent performance of glass fiber reinforced plastic meter boxes, and some sealing and waterproof performance , Anti-corrosion performance, anti-theft performance, never need grounding wire, beautiful appearance, safety protection with lock and lead seal, long service life, wide range of SMC distribution box/SMC meter box/SMC glass fiber reinforced plastic meter box/SMC meter box Used in the transformation of rural and urban networks.