- 11
- Apr
Hilberînerê xeta hilberînê ya qutkirina plakaya pola
Hilberînerê xeta hilberînê ya qutkirina plakaya pola
The steel plate quenching production line manufacturer has many years of production experience in induction heating equipment, induction heat treatment equipment, and quenching and tempering heat treatment production lines. The old brand manufacturers and professional engineers can tailor-make a steel plate quenching production line suitable for you according to your process needs. To create high profits for you, the steel plate quenching production line adopts PLC automatic intelligent control system with human-machine interface, and one person can operate the production of the whole steel plate quenching production line.
Parametreyên teknîkî yên xeta hilberîna qutkirina plakaya pola:
1. Pergala dabînkirina hêzê, 100KW-4000KW/200Hz-8000HZ dabînkirina hêza germkirinê ya frekansa navîn a aqilmend.
2. Materyalên xebatê: pola karbonê, pola alloy, pola alloyek germahiya bilind, hwd.
3. Main use: used for heat treatment of steel plates and slabs.
4. Veguheztina enerjiyê: germkirina her ton pola heya 1150℃, mezaxtina hêzê 330-360 derece ye.
5. Li gorî hewcedariyên bikarhêner konsolek ji dûr ve bi ekrana destikê an pergala komputera pîşesaziyê peyda bikin.
6. The steel plate quenching production line has fully digital and high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control the equipment with ease.
7. Fonksiyona rêveberiya reçeteyê, pergalek rêveberiya reçeteyê ya hêzdar, piştî hilbijartina pîvana pola û celebê plakaya ku têne hilberandin, pîvanên têkildar bixweber têne gazî kirin, û ne hewce ye ku bi destan nirxên parametreyê tomar bikin, kontrol bikin û têkevin. ji hêla perçeyên cûda yên xebatê ve tê xwestin.