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What are the high alumina bricks for hot blast stoves

кандай жогорку алюминий кыштары for hot blast stoves

1. Low creep high alumina brick

With bauxite clinker as the main raw material, plus mullite, andalusite, sillimanite, the microstructure of the product is improved by optimizing the matrix, and it is formed by high-pressure forming and high-temperature sintering. The product has good high-temperature creep resistance. , Excellent thermal shock resistance, used more on all types of large and medium-sized hot blast stoves.

2. Ordinary high alumina brick

The high alumina bricks with Al2O3 content greater than 48% made of high alumina bauxite clinker mixed with partially bonded clay are divided into one, two, three, and super high alumina bricks. They are the main refractory brick products for masonry hot blast stoves. According to the different masonry areas, standard bricks and special-shaped bricks can also be made.