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What are the safe use and operation of high temperature muffle furnace?

What are the safe use and operation of high temperature муфель зуух?

1. Do not exceed the rated temperature of the high-temperature resistance furnace during use.

2. Цахилгаан цочролоос сэргийлэхийн тулд ачих, дээж авахдаа цахилгаан тэжээлийг таслах ёстой.

3. The opening time of the furnace door should be as short as possible when loading and taking samples to extend the service life of the electric furnace.

4. Stop pouring any liquid into the furnace.

5. Do not put the sample with water and oil into the furnace; do not use the clamp with water and oil to pick up the sample.

6. Түлэгдэхээс сэргийлж ачих, дээж авахдаа бээлий өмс.

7. The sample should be placed in the middle of the furnace, and it should be placed in a row.

8. Do not touch the electric furnace and the surrounding samples at will.

9. Хэрэглэсний дараа цахилгаан болон усны эх үүсвэрийг таслах ёстой.

10. Without the approval of the management personnel, the resistance furnace shall not be operated, and the operation shall be strictly stopped in accordance with the operating procedures of the equipment.