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How to extend the service life of breathable bricks?

How to extend the service life of zvidhinha zvinofema?

Nzira huru yekukuvadza yezvidhinha zvinokwanisika nemhepo kukuvara kwekupisa. Nekuenderera mberi kwekuwedzera kwekutepa tembiricha, pane musiyano mukuru wekupisa pakati pekushanda uye wepakati pebasa pane anoshanda pamusoro peiyo ventilating chidhinha, icho chinoda kuti chinhu chive neakanyanya emagetsi ekuvhunduka kuramba. Iyo spinel chikamu chinounzwa mune chinokandirwa, uye kupisa kwemhepo kushamisa kweye mweya-inokwanisika zvidhinha ichavandudzwa.

Iyo oxide kana isiri-oxide yakawedzerwa mumhepo ine zvidhinha inoumba yakasimba mhinduro chikamu pamwe nehuremu pakupisa kwakanyanya, inowedzera simba repamusoro-tembiricha, inovandudza kukwana kwechidhinha, uye inodzivisa kukukurwa kwechitinha chine mweya yakaumbwa slag mune ladle. Mushure mekudziya kwakanyanya kupisa kupisa kwezvidhinha zvinobvumidzwa nemhepo, mashandiro ayo anovandudzwa kusangana nezvinodiwa zvekushandisa.

Our company develops and produces impermeable ladle bottom argon-blowing slit-type ventilating bricks. Because there is less or no cleaning during use, manual intervention is reduced, which can effectively reduce the abnormal melting loss of ventilated bricks caused by oxygen burning and purging. . Due to its scientific and reasonable formula, it can effectively reduce the loss of breathable bricks caused by thermal stress, mechanical abrasion and chemical erosion. Through personalized customization on the customer site, it can meet the different on-site process requirements of different customers, effectively extend the service life of the ventilating brick, reduce customer costs, and increase customer profits.