- 22
- Apr
How to quickly replace the inductor in an induction heating furnace?
How to quickly replace the inductor in an induction kupisa choto?
Sensor switching (quick change):
When induction heat treatment is performed on metal workpieces of different specifications, sizes and materials, it is necessary to replace the corresponding specifications of the inductor. The furnace body mouth of the equipment is equipped with water and electricity quick-change joints, and the furnace body is simple, fast and convenient to replace. The specific operation steps are as follows:
a. Kuchinja kwemasensa eboka: kusimudza kwakabatana, kuisirwa-munzvimbo yekumisikidza, kukurumidza-kuchinja majoini emvura, uye yakakwirira-yakasimba simbi isina tsvina mabhaudhi makuru emagetsi.
b. Kukurumidza kuchinja kwe-single-section sensor: mvura inopinza uye yekubuda ndiyo imwe yekukurumidza kuchinja kwekubatanidza, uye magetsi akabatanidzwa nemabhoti maviri makuru.
c. Inductor mhangura chubhu: Yese inyika yakajairwa T2 mhangura.