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What are the advantages of high frequency quenching machine

Maxay yihiin faa’iidooyinka mashiinka deminta soo noqnoqda

1. Power saving: 30% power saving than tube type, 20% power saving than thyristor medium frequency.

2. Waxqabadka xasilloon: ilaalin buuxda, walwal ma leh.

3. Xawaaraha kululaynta oo degdeg ah: ma jiro lakabka oksaydhka, waxyar u beddelid.

4. Small size: light weight and easy installation.

5. The inductor is isolated by the transformer, which is safe.

6. Ilaalinta deegaanka: wax wasakh ah, buuq iyo boodh ma leh.

7. Strong adaptability: it can heat all kinds of workpieces.

8. The temperature and heating time can be precisely controlled, and the processing quality is high.