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Solutions to minor failures of chillers help reduce maintenance costs

Solutions to minor failures of ftohës help reduce maintenance costs

One, the filter is clogged

Due to water quality problems, the filter is easily clogged. Once the clogging problem occurs, it will have a great impact on the normal operation of the chiller, resulting in severe restrictions on the water intake. Before the failure is resolved, it is recommended to temporarily alleviate the problem of filter clogging by reducing the water temperature. After the device is unblocked, return to normal water temperature.

Two. Low condenser efficiency

Excessive liquid storage is mainly caused by the low efficiency of the condenser. When such a failure occurs, the liquid accumulated in the condenser needs to be released and the refrigerant is adjusted to the best working condition, which can alleviate the low efficiency of the condenser. The problem.

Three, refrigerator failure

When using a chiller, you first need to adjust the operating power of the equipment in time according to the size of the environment in which it is used. If the space is large, you can increase the operating power of the equipment when using the chiller. When the space is relatively small, the operating power of the equipment can be appropriately reduced, and the appropriate operating power of the chiller can be selected, which can reduce the probability of equipment failure and provide help for extending the service life of the equipment.

Four, screw chiller failure

To deal with the common failures of various chillers, professional equipment is needed to deal with them. Many companies can handle the failure in time when the chiller fails, but the improper handling method can easily lead to incomplete handling of the failure. Then the safety of the equipment will still be affected, and even after a repair failure, the same type of failure will still occur in a short period of time, which directly threatens the long-term stable operation of the equipment.

Five, chiller failure

To deal with chiller failures, preventive work needs to be done in advance, and a suitable use plan can be formulated according to the size of the use environment, and the stable operation of the equipment can be completed within the scope of the plan. If an enterprise can choose a refrigerator equipped with a microcomputer control system, more than half of the faults can basically be eliminated during the long-term operation of the refrigerator, thereby prolonging the service life of the equipment and reducing the energy consumption of the company’s long-term use of the refrigerator.

Special attention should be paid in the process of using the chiller, especially the equipment with a long service life. The refrigeration equipment should be checked regularly. Once the failure occurs, it needs to be solved in time to avoid leaving hidden dangers.