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Introduction of 3240 Epoxy Fiberglass Gasket

Introduction of 3240 Epoxy Fiberglass Gasket

A.3240 Epoxy glass fiber gasket is made of epoxy glass fiber phenolic layer glass cloth board specially used for electrical engineering, which is made by physical processing. It has high mechanical and dielectric properties, heat resistance, and is suitable for the insulation of motors, transformers, ballasts and other slots with equal intervals.

Rondeli 3240 me fibër qelqi epoksi ka një pamje të lëmuar, një sipërfaqe përpunimi të drejtë, pa të çara dhe shenja djegieje dhe pa çarje delaminimi brenda.

B. Parametrat e performancës së jastëkut izolues me fibër qelqi epoksi

Insulation grade of epoxy glass fiber resin gasket: F grade
