- 11
- Jan
What is the leakage rate of the vacuum sintering furnace?
What is the leakage rate of the пећ за вакумско синтеровање?
Компоненте пећ за вакумско синтеровање include furnace body, vacuum system, electrical system, cooling system, etc. The furnace body and vacuum system are closely related to the leakage rate of the vacuum sintering furnace. After the furnace body and the vacuum system are assembled, no matter how reliable the seal is, there will always be air leakage in general. For this reason, the air leakage rate (the gas flow rate that enters the furnace cavity through all the leakage holes in a unit time) is used as an important performance index of the vacuum sintering furnace.
At present, the leakage rate of the vacuum sintering furnace in various regions is expressed by the pressure increase rate. Generally, when the air leakage rate is ≤0.67Pa/h, the leakage rate of the vacuum sintering furnace is regarded as qualified. The smaller the leakage rate of the equipment, the better, because it can affect the ultimate vacuum of the furnace body and ensure that oxygen impurities will not increase during the sintering process of the workpiece.