- 20
- Jul
Ho lutla ha tšepe e chesang ka har’a sebōpi sa tšepe se qhibilihisang Karolo ea 3
Ho lutla ha tšepe e chesang ka har’a sebōpi sa tšepe se qhibilihisang Karolo ea 3
Insulated epoxy glass fiber rod: the insulated epoxy glass fiber rod e hokahane pakeng tsa loops ea induction coil. Ha tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng e tsoa seboping, molamu oa fiber epoxy glass e insulated e tšehetsa boima ba coil ea induction, lesela la sebopi le tšepe e qhibilihisitsoeng kaofela. tšepe e pshatlang sebōpi . Hang ha e sitoa ho tšehetsa boima boo e bo jereng, molamu o kentsoeng ka khalase ea epoxy e tla kobeha, ‘me lesela la sebōpi le lona le tla lokoloha ka nako ena. Mapetso a hlaha haholo-holo lenonyeletsong pakeng tsa tlase ea lebota la sebōpi le tlase ea sebōpi. Sebōpi” ketsahalo. Tharollo: Ho sebelisoa litene tse refractory pakeng tsa molamu o mong le o mong oa insulated epoxy glass fiber le khetla ea sebōpi, e le hore khetla ea sebōpi le coil ea induction e be ka kakaretso, kahoo e eketsa botsitso ba coil ea induction le ho eketsa palo ea lisebelisoa tsa lesela la sebōpi tse sebelisoang.