- 02
- Oct
Dewan Asbés
Dewan Asbés
Asbestos heat insulation board is called asbestos white board, which is made of asbestos as the main material and mixed with certain bonding and filling materials. It is suitable for heat insulation, heat preservation, sound insulation and general electrical insulation. Asbestos board is produced from asbestos, glass fiber, clay and other materials in accordance with scientific formulas. It has strong resistance to tension and pressure. It can withstand about 1400 ℃! It can be used for insulation, heat preservation and sound insulation, boilers, steel plants, chemical plants, aluminum casting plants, etc. and general electrical appliances.
Asbestos board is made of asbestos and adhesives. It is suitable for heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation and electrical insulation. Mineral wool board is made of slag wool as the main raw material, adding appropriate amount of additives, through ingredients, forming, drying, cutting, finishing and spraying on the surface of the mineral wool board. It is hot and has good sound absorption function. Both materials can be used for decoration.
1. Specifications: 1000mmx1000mmx3-20mm
thickness 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6mm
width 1000 1300 1500
2. Indikator téknis papan insulasi asbés:
(1) Kaleungitan ignition henteu langkung ti 18%; Uap henteu langkung ti 5%.
(2) Beurat papan asbés kandel 1mm henteu kedah langkung ti 1.3Kg.
(3) Papan asbés kirang ti 6mm, kakuatan tarikna henteu kirang ti 1.4kg / c㎡.
(4) Nalika suhu operasi henteu langkung ti 1000 ℃, konduktivitas termal nyaéta 0.13-0.15 kcal / m / jam / gelar.
(5) Kasabaran anu diijinkeun tina panjang sareng lébar nyaéta ± 1mm, sareng kandel anu diidinan nyaéta 12%.
3. Asbét papan insulasi bungkusan sareng panyimpenan syarat:
Papan insulasi asbés dibungkus dina peti kai sareng dibungkus ku kaén plastik. Unggal kotak ngagaduhan beurat bersih 100kg. Éta henteu tiasa dialungkeun nalika ngamuat sareng ngabongkar. Éta kedah disimpen di kamar anu bersih, bersih, sareng garing. Dilarang pisan pikeun baseuh.
4. Application of asbestos insulation board products:
Asbestos thermal insulation panels are mainly used in steel mills, aluminum plants, thermal insulation layers, boiler compartments, and thermal insulation.
High compressive strength, long service life; low heat capacity, low thermal conductivity; non-brittle material, good toughness; accurate size, good flatness; easy to cut and easy to install; excellent wind erosion resistance; excellent chemical stability; excellent Sound absorption and noise reduction performance.