- 01
- Nov
Green epoxy glass fiber rod
Green epoxy glass fiber rod
The green epoxy glass fiber rod has: light weight, stable mechanical performance, excellent insulation performance, and can cover the voltage range of 10kV-1000kV. The product’s tensile performance is particularly outstanding, and its tensile strength reaches 1360Mpa or above, which greatly exceeds the tensile strength of No. 45 precision cast steel, which is 570Mpa.
1. bubuka produk
The green epoxy glass fiber rod is made of high-strength aramid fiber and glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin matrix after high temperature pultrusion. It has the characteristics of ultra-high strength, excellent wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and excellent high temperature resistance. Products are suitable for electrolytic aluminum plants, steel plants, high-temperature metallurgical equipment, ultra-high voltage electrical equipment, aerospace fields, transformers, capacitors, reactors, high-voltage switches and other high-voltage electrical appliances.
2. kinerja produk
1. Kusabab pultrusion kontinyu serat aramid sareng serat kaca, produk ngagaduhan résistansi anu saé pikeun tekanan mékanis sareng tegangan mékanis. Kakuatan tarikna ngahontal 1500MPa, anu jauh ngaleungitkeun kakuatan tarik tina baja tuang No. 45, anu 570Mpa. Kinerja listrik anu saé, tahan peunteun tegangan kisaran tegangan 10kV-1000kV. Résistansi korosi anu kuat, kakuatan bending anu luhur, henteu gampang dibengkokkeun, gampang dianggo sareng sanésna.
2. Suhu kerja jangka panjang anu diijinkeun tina produk nyaéta 170-210 ℃; suhu kerja circuit-maksimum maksimum produk nyaéta 260 ℃ (kirang ti 5 detik).
3. Kusabab panggunaan agén pelepasan kualitas luhur, permukaan produk dijamin lancar pisan, tanpa bédana warna, tanpa burrs, sareng tanpa goresan.
4. Kelas tahan panas sareng kelas insulasi produk ngahontal kelas H.