- 06
- Dec
Naon anu anjeun kedah terang nalika ngagaleuh bata réfrak?
What do you need to know when buying bata réfrakter?
What do you need to know when buying refractory bricks? What kind of furnace lining is used for refractory bricks? Can refractory bricks achieve practical application effects? How to purchase refractory bricks to achieve good results? Combining the actual situation, expounds the refractory brick procurement Issues that should be paid attention to.
1. Lokasi Kiln nganggo bata réfrakter
According to the structure of the furnace, the working characteristics and operating conditions of each part of the furnace, refractory bricks are selected to achieve targeted selection. For example, the lining and bottom of various smelting furnaces below the slag line (such as furnaces and reverberatory furnaces) are mainly chemically attacked by slag and metal melt, followed by thermal stress caused by temperature mutations. The masonry generally chooses magnesia and magnesia-chrome refractory bricks with good slag resistance. The above slag line can choose magnesia alumina brick, magnesia chrome brick or high alumina refractory brick.
2. Mastikeun operasi normal sareng kahirupan umum tungku
Salaku pinding tina kiln, operasi normal sareng umur jasa tanu sacara umum kedah dijamin. Munasabahna ngonpigurasikeun rupa-rupa bata réfraktif anu dianggo dina sababaraha bagéan tungku. Nalika nangtoskeun sababaraha bagéan tungku sareng bahan unggal lapisan bagian anu sami, hindarkeun réaksi kimia sareng karusakan lebur antara bata réfraktif anu béda, sareng pastikeun kaleungitan unggal bagian saimbang, atanapi nyandak tindakan prosés anu wajar pikeun nyaimbangkeun karugian sareng mastikeun kahirupan sakabéh tungku.
3. Ciri-ciri bata réfraktif
Iraha buying refractory bricks, you should master the basic knowledge of refractory bricks, such as the composition of refractory bricks, the physical properties and working performance of refractory bricks, and whether it can achieve the expected effect as a furnace lining, so as to better exert the excellent characteristics of refractory bricks. For example, silica bricks for coke ovens have a high softening temperature under load and can resist acid slag erosion, but their thermal shock resistance is poor and can only be used for coke oven partition walls. Their soft load characteristics can be used in long-term high temperature environments.
2. Pabrik bata réfraktori
As a purchaser of refractory bricks, you only need to determine the index, size, performance and other information of refractory bricks to purchase common refractory bricks, and consult the refractory brick manufacturers whether they can make them, whether they can meet the specified requirements, and whether the processed refractory bricks can meet the requirements Characteristics and other information, this is the most basic integrity of refractory brick manufacturers.