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Continuous casting billet temperature raising furnace

Continuous casting billet temperature raising furnace

Meuli kontinyu casting baja billet suhu raising tungku pemanasan néangan Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd. bade difokuskeun panalungtikan sarta pamekaran jeung produksi pakakas pemanasan induksi, produk anu aman tur dipercaya, sarta kinerja stabil. The casting kontinyu billet pemanasan tungku téh énergi-hemat, ramah lingkungan sarta pohara efisien. Kami parantos ngahasilkeun puluhan set alat. The casting kontinyu billet pemanasan tungku boga kinerja stabil, pemanasan seragam, teu bending, euweuh deformasi, sarta jaminan sataun pikeun alat-alat, sarta kami bakal nyadiakeun Anjeun sareng hidayah teknis dina tungtungna.

1. Sistim dahar: unggal sumbu ieu disetir ku hiji reducer motor bebas, multi-sumbu drive diatur, sarta inverter tunggal ieu dikawasa pikeun nyingkronkeun operasi multi-sumbu.

2. Sistim Guiding: 304 non-magnétik kabayang pituduh stainless steel dipaké, jeung kabayang pituduh boga élastisitas sedeng dina arah axial adaptasi jeung bending dina rentang allowable of billet nu.

Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in providing continuous casting billet heating furnace. The whole process adopts PLC intelligent automatic program control. The continuous casting billet heating furnace is safe and energy-saving, with high automation, stable product quality, high production efficiency and operation Simple and other advantages. Choosing Songdao Technology, you can enjoy a superior price, because we are manufacturers’ self-produced direct-sale equipment. The equipment has won a good reputation among new and old users.

Advantages of continuous casting billet heating furnace:

1. The casting kontinyu billet pemanasan tungku boga derajat béda tina curvature nurutkeun jenis baja béda. Lamun darajat bending of billet nu leuwih gede ti 3mm / m saméméh ngasupkeun tungku listrik, Anjeun bisa nyaluyukeun ukuran induktor pikeun minuhan sarat anjeun nurutkeun darajat bending kelas baja Anjeun.

2. The surface temperature before entering the furnace and the billet exit temperature: We design and produce according to the needs of the user. The billet is heated uniformly, without overburning, no cracks, and the tensile strength and straightness can meet the needs of users.

3. The entire heating process of the continuous casting billet heating furnace realizes PLC automatic control, and displays the production records such as the heating quantity in a timely manner. This console is used alone, with a specially customized man-machine interface, highly user-friendly operation instructions, and simple operation.

4. Feeding and guiding system: each axis is driven by an independent motor reducer, multi-axis drive is set, and a single inverter is controlled to synchronize multi-axis operation. High-quality components are selected for components, which are reliable in quality and stable in operation. 304 non-magnetic stainless steel guide wheel is used to maintain moderate elasticity in the axial direction of the guide wheel to adapt to the bending within the allowable range of the billet.

5. Closed-loop temperature control. The closed-loop control system is composed of American Leitai infrared thermometer and German Siemens S7. According to the initial temperature and feed speed of the billet entering the induction heater, the power supply is automatically adjusted to keep the heating temperature constant before being discharged. The workpiece is heated evenly.

6. The billet pemanasan tungku adopts runtuyan résonansi panengah frékuénsi rectification ganda dua belas-pulsa atawa dua puluh-opat-pulsa KGPS100-1000KW catu daya tunggal pikeun pamakéan bebas atawa sababaraha catu daya pikeun pamakéan paralel. Pamaké tiasa yakin ngagunakeun, aman sareng dipercaya, hemat energi sareng perlindungan lingkungan, operasi saderhana.