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What are the “better” conditions of use for refrigerators?

What are the “better” conditions of use for kulkas?

1. Necessary computer room

The reason why the “necessary computer room” is listed as the “better” use condition of the refrigerator is because not every enterprise and every user of the refrigerator will open up an independent computer room for the refrigerator. The refrigerant is best placed in the computer room, but if conditions do not permit it, it should also be placed in the shared computer room instead of outdoors.

2. Lingkungan operasi anu stabil

A stable operating environment is to ensure that the refrigerator can cool normally, with sufficient quality, and achieve the greatest impact point of the cooling effect. The so-called stable operating environment must keep the computer room and ambient temperature within the normal range.

3. Safe operating environment

A safe operating environment refers to ensuring that the refrigerator operates in a relatively safe environment. Safety can include multiple aspects:

First of all, from the perspective of the entire equipment, a safe operating environment means that no malfunctions that damage the compressor will occur, which requires the compressor to have enough safety protection devices.

Second, clean up regularly. The necessity of regular cleaning is very great. Regular cleaning of the refrigerator can ensure the safety of the refrigerator’s own operating environment!