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Rolling electromagnetic induction heating furnace manufacturers
Rolling electromagnetic induction heating furnace manufacturers
Songdao Technology specializes in the production of electromagnetic tungku pemanasan induksi for steel rolling. According to your process requirements, we can tailor a suitable direct sales manufacturer of electromagnetic induction heating furnaces for steel rolling.
Features of electromagnetic induction heating furnace for steel rolling:
1. Kurang oksidasi jeung decarburization: panas dihasilkeun di jero workpiece dipanaskeun, kalawan speed pemanasan gancang, efisiensi tinggi, sarta kirang oksidasi na decarburization dina beungeut workpiece nu, nu bisa ngahemat loba bahan baku.
2. Suhu pemanasan seragam jeung polusi-gratis: hawa-tiis frékuénsi suplai kakuatan variabel langsung ngadeteksi parobahan arus beban akurat tur nyadar kontrol loop tutup tina kakuatan kaluaran. Malah lamun tegangan éksternal fluctuates, éta bisa ngajaga kakuatan kaluaran jeung stabilitas suhu.
3. High degree of automation of electromagnetic induction heating furnace for steel rolling: high degree of intelligent power supply, precise temperature adjustment, automatic frequency conversion tracking, variable load self-adaptation, automatic power adjustment and other intelligent advantages. One-button start, automatically complete the heating work, no personnel on duty.
5. Continuous automated production: frequent replacement of different specifications and varieties of steel materials to adapt to different production processes, no need for personnel adjustment after frequency conversion and load change, the entire line is cleared and process adjustment is simple and fast, meeting the needs of medium and large batch production.
6. Perlindungan tungku: Salian fungsi panyalindungan lengkep alat-alat pemanasan induksi konversi frékuénsi, catu daya konversi frékuénsi otomatis pinuh boga fungsi panyalindungan tungku dipercaya, sarta pamaké ogé bisa ngaluyukeun tungku panyalindungan fungsi tampilan sesar pikeun item tunggal. .