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What is the oxygen content of cast iron melted by induction melting furnace?

What is the oxygen content of cast iron melted by induction melting furnace?

The oxygen content in the molten iron smelted in the cupola is generally 0.004~0.006% (mass fraction, the same applies to the following), and the oxygen content in the molten iron smelted in the انڈکشن پگھلنے بھٹی is generally about 0.002%, sometimes even lower. Generally speaking, the low oxygen content in molten iron helps to improve the metallurgical quality of castings. However, if the oxygen content in molten iron is too low (0.001% or lower), it is not conducive to the formation of crystal nuclei during inoculation , Resulting in the production of supercooled graphite (Type D), even if the amount of inoculant added is increased, the inoculation effect is not good.