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Brief introduction of epoxy pipe

Brief introduction of epoxy pipe

The epoxy tube is made of electrical alkali-free glass fiber cloth impregnated with epoxy resin, baked and processed by hot pressing in a molding die. The cross-section is round. The glass cloth rod has high mechanical properties. Dielectric properties and good machinability. The heat resistance grade can be divided into B grade (130 degrees) F grade (155 degrees) H grade (180 degrees) C grade (above 180 degrees). It is suitable for insulating structural parts in electrical equipment, and can be used in wet environmental conditions and transformer oil.

Epoksi trubaning ko’rinishi: sirt silliq va silliq bo’lishi kerak, havo pufakchalari, yog ‘va aralashmalar, notekis rang, chizish va foydalanishga to’sqinlik qilmaydigan engil notekislikka yo’l qo’yiladi. Yoriq ishlatilgan.

Epoksi trubkasini ishlab chiqarish jarayonini to’rt turga bo’lish mumkin: nam prokat, quruq prokat, ekstruziya va simni o’rash.