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Features of series intermediate frequency furnace

Features of series intermediate frequency furnace:

1. The power of the series intermediate frequency furnace can be adjusted and distributed arbitrarily

The series intermediate frequency furnace can realize the arbitrary adjustment and distribution of output power only by rotating the power potentiometer button on the inverter power supply panel. Two furnaces can be smelted at the same time or one furnace body can be smelted and the other furnace body can be kept warm. It is also possible to smelt one intermediate frequency furnace and stop the other for standby. For single smelting, the use is very flexible. The operation is very convenient, and it can keep warm, heat up, and temper at the accurate temperature, and maximize the water output to meet the casting of different workpiece weights.

2. The series intermediate frequency furnace has always had the characteristics of high power factor operation, and the power factor is higher than 0.95.

3. Uluhlu lwesithando somlilo esiphakathi aluqukethe i-harmonics ye-5 kunye ne-7

The one-to-two intermediate-frequency furnace in the series intermediate-frequency furnace adopts a 12-pulse thyristor fully-controlled rectifier circuit. The voltage regulation and power regulation are different from the intermediate-frequency power supply of the one-electric two-furnace intermediate-frequency furnace. It is its advantage to protect the inverter and cut off the power quickly. The 12-pulse thyristor intermediate frequency power supply does not contain the 5th and 7th harmonic components. According to the harmonic analysis, the harmonic effect of the 12-pulse rectified power supply is much smaller than that of the ordinary KGPS intermediate frequency power supply.

4. The intermediate frequency power control system of the series intermediate frequency furnace is fully integrated and digital

The control system of series intermediate frequency furnace is fully digital, without relay control, dynamic voltage equalization, with phase loss, overvoltage, overcurrent, low water pressure and human error protection, current limiting, voltage limiting, balance, stable function, frequency sweep start Good performance. The structure is simple, energy-saving and power-saving, the control board is easy to debug, and there are only 5 potentiometers for adjustment. Simple operation and maintenance.

5. The success rate of starting the series intermediate frequency furnace reaches 100%.

Iingenelo zothotho lweresonance yochungechunge oluphakathi kwesithando somlilo zineempawu ezilungileyo zokuqala, kunye nemeko yamandla. Kwimeko yomthwalo opheleleyo kunye nomthwalo onzima, unokuqalisa ngokuthanda, kwaye izinga lokuphumelela lokuqala lifikelela kwi-100%.

6. Ngayiphi na imeko, i-intermediate frequency power transformer yoluhlu lwesithando somlilo esiphakathi sinokufikelela ekusebenzeni komthwalo ogcweleyo.

Series intermediate frequency furnaces share an intermediate frequency power transformer and a double rectifier circuit, that is, a rectifier cabinet. In any case, the intermediate frequency power transformer can reach full load operation, thereby reducing the capacity of the transformer and changing the conventional two furnaces using two transformers and two finishing cabinet.

7. Uluhlu oluphakathi kwesithando somlilo sixhotyiswe ngenkqubo yokubeka iliso kunye nokukhusela ngokupheleleyo

Ibhodi yokulawula yochungechunge oluphakathi kwesithando somlilo sinomsebenzi wokuzichonga ngokulandelelana kwesigaba. Ubushushu obusebenzayo be-series inverter kunye ne-filter capacitor ijongwa yitafile yokutshintsha ubushushu. Emva kokuba ukushisa kwamanzi okupholisa kudlula ixabiso elimiselweyo okanye kukho ukungaphumeleli kwamanzi, i-alamu iya kukhutshwa kwaye i-12-pulse double rectifier circuit iya kunqunyulwa. . Igalelo lamanzi okupholisa lonikezelo lwamandla ombane oluphakathi lilawulwa yi-relay yoxinzelelo lwamanzi, kwaye ukuphuma kwamanzi okupholisa kuhlolwa imitha yokutshintsha ubushushu ukujonga ukungabikho kwamandla. Ukushisa okungaphezulu kuya kukhupha i-alamu kwaye kunqunyulwe i-12-pulse double rectifier circuit. Ikhabhinethi yolawulo ixhotyiswe nge-voltmeter ye-output, imitha yamandla ephumayo, i-meter frequency meter, i-input ammeter, i-voltmeter ye-input, i-DC voltmeter, i-DC ammeter, kunye nebhodi yokulawula i-pulse ye-12 ixhotyiswe ngokubonisa ilahleko yesigaba kunye nomboniso womsebenzi we-inverter. Iziko ezibini zefrikhwensi ephakathi zinokubonisa i-voltage frequency frequency, amandla kunye nokusebenza rhoqo ngokulandelelanayo. I-breaker circuit ifakwe kwikhabhinethi yokulawula i-12-pulse double rectifier, eyona ndawo ibonakalayo yokuqhawula umbane we-intermediate frequency unikezelo lwamandla angenayo umgca wokuhlukanisa umgca kunye nokutshintsha kommese, kunye nokukhusela isiphaluka esifutshane, ukukhuselwa kohambo lokuhamba emhlabeni kunye nokukhusela ilahleko yesigaba, iifuse, njl Ukugcinwa kunye nokutshintshwa kweengxenye zilungele kwaye zikhawuleza. Zonke izinto eziphambili zokufudumeza kunye nemivalo yobhedu zixhotyiswe ngokupholisa kwamanzi okufanelekileyo ngokweemfuno.