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Why should water-cooled cables be used for induction melting furnaces?

Why should water-cooled cables be used for induction melting furnaces?

In the ukuchithwa kwesithando somlilo, the water-cooled cable is used for the connection between the capacitor and the melting furnace. Because the capacitor and the inductance (melting furnace coil) are in resonance during the working process, the current is generally 10 times the input current. Now, for example, KGPS500KW/1S induction melting furnace, the melting furnace is 1000KG, and the output current is about 1100A, the current flowing through the water-cooled cable is 11000A, the current passing through the cable is too high, and the heat generation is too high, so water is needed to cool this section The cable can only be water-cooled