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Ronde staal induksie verwarming oond vir smee

Ronde staal induksie verwarming oond vir smee

The round steel induksie verwarming oond vir smee gebruik outomatiese voer- en outomatiese ontladingssorteertoestelle, en neem PLC outomatiese beheerprogram aan. Die hele proses is ten volle outomatiese produksie, eenvoudige werking en arbeidskostebesparing.

Equipment name: Round steel induction heating furnace for forging

Workpiece material: plain carbon steel

Workpiece size: more than 20 in diameter

Round bar length: 1.5 meters or more

Beheerstelsel: PLC mens-masjien-koppelvlakbeheerprogram

Geslote-lus temperatuurbeheer: tweekleur Amerikaanse Leitai termometer beheer die temperatuur

Features of round steel induction heating furnace for forging:

1. The round steel induction heating furnace for forging has simple production operation, flexible feeding and discharging, and high degree of automation;

2. Die werkstuk het ‘n vinnige verhittingspoed, minder oksidasie en ontkoling, hoë doeltreffendheid en goeie gehalte;

3. The heating length, speed and temperature of the workpiece can be accurately controlled; the workpiece is heated uniformly, the temperature difference between the core and the surface is small, and the control degree is high;

4. Die ronde-staaf induksie verwarming toerusting het ‘n all-round energiebesparende geoptimaliseerde ontwerp, lae energieverbruik, hoë doeltreffendheid en laer produksiekoste as steenkool;

5. The round steel induction heating furnace for forging meets the requirements of environmental protection, has low pollution, and also reduces the labor intensity of workers;

6. The integrated design of the inductor and furnace body, different inductors are designed with quick-change connectors, which is simple and convenient to replace;

7. Die werkstuk wat deur die induksieverhittingstelsel verwerk word, het sterk taaiheid, eenvormige hardheid, geen vervorming nie, en voldoen aan nasionale standaarde;