- 14
- Jan
Several characteristics of clay refractory bricks
Verskeie kenmerke van klei vuurvaste stene
1. Vuurvastheid
The refractoriness of clay refractory products is low, 1580℃-1770℃, which is lower than high alumina bricks and other refractories, and it increases with the increase of alumina content.
2. Laai versagtingstemperatuur
The load softening temperature of clay refractory products mainly depends on the mass fraction of Al2O3 in the product and the type and quantity of impurities. The load softening temperature of clay bricks is lower than that of silica bricks and high alumina bricks.
3. High temperature volume stability
Klei-gebaseerde vuurvaste produkte sal oorblywende krimping hê na langtermyn gebruik onder hoë temperatuur toestande
4. Weerstand teen termiese skok
Clay refractory products have good thermal shock resistance, ordinary clay bricks are at 1000 ℃.
5. Slakweerstand
Clay-based refractory products are acidic refractory materials that have strong resistance to weak acid slag erosion and poor resistance to acid and alkaline slag.