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Hoe om die vogprobleem van SMC-isolasiebordgrondstowwe te hanteer

How to deal with the moisture problem of SMC isolasie bord grondstowwe

Om die beter gehalte van die SMC-isolasiebord te verseker, is dit nodig om sy grondstowwe te ontvochtig. Die volgende inhoud sal vir jou ‘n gedetailleerde verduideliking gee van hoe om die grondstowwe van die produk te ontvochtig. Verstaan ​​dit asseblief noukeurig.

Daar is twee soorte droogtoerusting vir SMC-isolasiebordgrondstowwe, naamlik warmlugdroër en ontvochtigingsdroër.

Die beginsel van die warmlugdroër is om warm lug te gebruik om die vog in die grondstof van die SMC-isolasiebord weg te blaas. Die temperatuurreeks is 80-100c, en die droogtyd is meestal 40-60min.

The principle of the dehumidification dryer is to replace the moisture in the hot air with molecular sieves, and then use the drying air to blow away the moisture in the raw materials of the SMC insulation board. Using this method, the moisture in the raw materials can be reduced to less than 0.1%, and the drying temperature is generally At 80-100oc, the drying time is generally 2-3h, and a dryer with stable performance can reduce the dew point of the drying air to below -30°C; if the moisture content in the raw material is greater than 0.08%, a hot air dryer needs to be used for pre-drying.

For the demander of SMC insulation board, the level of drying equipment is an important factor to judge whether the product with stable quality can be produced.