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The task of induction melting furnace steelmaking

The task of induction melting furnace steelmaking

The main raw materials smelted in an induction melting furnace are scrap steel and a part of pig iron. The purchased scrap steel has a lot of rust, sand and other dirt, and the content of sulfur and phosphorus in the steel is also high. The task of steelmaking is to smelt the above-mentioned raw materials into high-quality molten steel with low gas and inclusion content, qualified composition, and temperature. Specifically, the basic tasks of steelmaking are:

(1) Melting solid charge (pig iron, scrap steel, etc.);

(2) Make the silicon, manganese, carbon and other elements in the molten steel meet the specifications;

(3) Remove the harmful elements sulfur and phosphorus, and reduce their content below the prescribed limit;

(4) Remove the gas and non-metallic inclusions in the molten steel to make the molten steel pure;

(5) Add alloying elements (melting alloy steel) to make it meet the requirements;

(6) Overheat the molten steel to a certain temperature to ensure the need for pouring;

(7) In order to increase production and reduce costs, steel must be made quickly;

(8) Poured into good castings.