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2000kw induction ማሞቂያ እቶን

2000kw induction ማሞቂያ እቶን

2000kw induction heating furnace heating bar diameter larger than Ø180 induction heating furnace. This 2000kw induction heating furnace has the characteristics of fast heating speed, uniform heating temperature, energy saving and environmental protection for the heating bar diameter of Ø320, Ø250 and Ø210. A, 2000kw induction heating furnace heating process and technical requirements

1. Workpiece ቁሳዊ: ቅይጥ ብረት

2. የ 2000kw induction ማሞቂያ ምድጃ ያለው ማሞቂያ workpiece: Ø210, Ø250, ቁሳዊ ርዝመት 400mm ነው.

3. የ 2000kw የኢንደክሽን ማሞቂያ ምድጃ የሙቀት መጠን: 1200 ℃ (ወጥ የሆነ የዲያተርሚ ሙቀት)

4. The productivity of 2000kw induction heating furnace is greater than 4900KG per hour

5. የ 2000kw induction ማሞቂያ ምድጃ መካከለኛ ድግግሞሽ ኃይል ያለማቋረጥ ይስተካከላል

6. 2000kw induction heating furnace billet loading method: chain ground loading, oil cylinder pushing.

7. ቦርዱ አጠቃላይ የማሞቂያ ዘዴን ይቀበላል.

8. የውሃ ማቀዝቀዣ መሳሪያ 2000kw induction ማሞቂያ እቶን: መካከለኛ ድግግሞሽ ኃይል አቅርቦት ዝግ የማቀዝቀዣ መሣሪያ ተቀብሏቸዋል, የውሃ ሙቀት በዲጂታል ይታያል, እና የውሃ ሙቀት እና የውሃ ግፊት ለ ሰር ማንቂያ እና ኃይል አጥፋ ጥበቃ ተግባራት አሉት.

9. Structure of 2000kw induction heating furnace: It adopts mechatronics design, and the appearance design is beautiful.

B. Features of 2000kw induction heating furnace production line:

1. The design of 2000kw induction heating furnace adopts variable turn pitch to improve heating efficiency and is an energy-saving equipment.

2. The design of the 2000kw induction heating furnace adopts the ground feeder, pushing mechanism, conveying mechanism and discharge conveyor, etc., which greatly improves the automation degree of the whole set of equipment.

3. የ 2000kw ኢንዳክሽን ማሞቂያ ምድጃ የሙቀት መለኪያ መሳሪያን ይቀበላል, የአሞሌውን ማሞቂያ ጥራት ለማረጋገጥ.

2000kw induction ማሞቂያ እቶን ፈጣን የማሞቅ ፍጥነት, ከፍተኛ የማምረት ብቃት, ማሞቂያ ሙቀት ቀላል ቁጥጥር, በመሠረቱ ምንም oxidation እና decarbonization, የተሻሻለ ምርት ጥራት, ምንም ድምፅ, ቀላል ሜካናይዜሽን እና አውቶሜትድ, ወዘተ አለው 2000kw induction ማሞቂያ እቶን የሚያሟሉ ሁለቱ rectifier Transformers. መሳሪያዎች በተጠቃሚው መቅረብ አለባቸው.