- 31
- Oct
How to tell by sound if an induction melting furnace is functioning properly
How to tell by sound if an የማዋጣትና የማቃጠያ ምድጃ is functioning properly
1. Normal whistling sound of induction melting furnace: When the induction melting furnace is working, the frequency of the variable frequency power supply will vibrate naturally, resulting in whistling. This is the sound that the front-line workers of the induction melting furnace like to hear. The induction melting furnace is in good working condition and operates normally.
2. ያልተለመደ የኢንደክሽን መቅለጥ እቶን ሬአክተር ጫጫታ፡- በኢንደክሽን መቅለጥ እቶን ኃይል ውስጥ ያለው ሬአክተር የመጫኛ ችግር ወይም በጥቅም ላይ በሚውልበት ጊዜ ልቅ ጥቅልል መጠገኛ ብሎኖች የተነሳ አሰልቺ ድምፅ ያሰማል። ይህ የኢንደክሽን መቅለጥ እቶን የታፈነ ድምፅ የተፈጠረው በመልስ ምላሽ ነው። ኢንቮርተር ኮይል ሲሰራ ክስተቱ ኢንቮርተር ሲሊከን ብዙ ጊዜ ይቃጠላል።
3. The popping sound of the induction coil of the induction melting furnace: This kind of sound is often the sound of inter-turn firing caused by the short circuit between the turns of the induction coil of the induction melting furnace. The existence of the long-term popping sound will cause the coil copper tube to be broken down. It is very dangerous to cause water leakage to pass through the furnace, so the insulation between the turns of the induction melting furnace coil must be well done.
4. የ induction መቅለጥ እቶን ግርጌ ላይ ያለውን ስንጥቅ ድምፅ: ይህ ድምፅ በአጠቃላይ እቶን ግርጌ ላይ ኳርትዝ ንብርብር የሚለቀቅ እና ነጭ ጭስ ጋር የታጀበ ነው, ይህም የኳርትዝ አሸዋ ቁሳዊ ጥራት, refractory ቁሳዊ በ. የእቶኑ የታችኛው ክፍል, ችግሮች አሉት, ንፅህናው በቂ አይደለም እና የእርጥበት መጠኑ በጣም ትልቅ ነው. የ.
5. The crackling sound of the induction melting furnace melting scrap metal: This is the sound of metal electromagnetic induction, the discharge sound between metal and metal accompanied by steel flowers, indicating that the induction melting furnace has high melting power and operates normally.