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ما هي المواد المقاومة للصهر المستخدمة في ساحة صب الفرن العالي؟

ما هي المواد المقاومة للصهر المستخدمة في ساحة صب الفرن العالي؟

Due to the different scales of domestic blast furnace tapping yards, the refractory materials used in blast furnace tapping yards are also quite different. The blast furnace tapping plant uses refractory materials to make a simple analysis. Generally, small blast furnaces below 1000m³ use lower-priced ramming materials and lower-strength ramming materials. Large blast furnaces above 2000m³ generally use good castables and high-cost gun mud. In the medium-sized blast furnace, the surplus is between the two, and there is a tendency to approach the refractory materials used in the large blast furnace casting yard.



درجة المواد المستخدمة: منطقة التطبيق
XCTC-1 Water-based aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material الخندق الرئيسي
XCTC-2 Carbon-bonded aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material الخندق الرئيسي
XCTC-3 Carbon-bonded aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material الخندق الرئيسي
XCTC-4 Carbon-bonded aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material الخندق الرئيسي
XCTC-5 Aluminum silicon carbide preform مقشدة ، الخندق الرئيسي
XCTC-6 Aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material مقشدة
XCTC-7 Aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material Iron hooks, slag trenches, residual iron cans
XCTC-8 Aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material Iron hooks, slag trenches, residual iron cans
XCTC-9 Carbon-bonded aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material Slag ditch
XCTC-10 Carbon-bonded aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material Slag ditch
XCTC-11 طين بندقية كربيد السيليكون الألومنيوم المحتوية على الماء Taphole
XCTC-12 طين بندقية كربيد السيليكون الألومنيوم المحتوية على الماء Taphole
XCTC-13 طوب الطين Permanent layer of main ditch, iron hook, slag ditch
XCTC-14 Insulation brick Main trench insulation



درجة المواد المستخدمة: منطقة التطبيق
DCTC-1 كاستابل Main ditch slag line
DCTC-2 كاستابل Main trench iron line and swing nozzle working layer
DCTC-3 صب عالية الألومنيوم Main trench iron line and swing nozzle working layer
DCTC-4 High aluminum silicon carbide castable Main ditch slag line
DCTC-5 High-aluminum silicon carbide carbon ramming material Main groove iron wire and swing nozzle
DCTC-6 High aluminum silicon carbide carbon castable Top of main ditch cover
DCTC-7 High aluminum silicon carbide carbon castable Both sides of the main ditch cover
DCTC-8 High aluminum silicon carbide castable Iron ditch
DCTC-9 Diatomite insulation brick Insulation layer of iron trench and slag trench
DCTC-10 Insulation brick Main ditch, swing nozzle, insulation layer
DCTC-11 High aluminum silicon carbide castable Slag ditch
DCTC-12 High aluminum silicon carbide castable Slag ditch
DCTC-13 High alumina silicon carbide brick Main ditch, iron ditch, swing nozzle
DCTC-14 Ramming material Joints of various parts of the main trench
DCTC-15 Aluminum carbon silicon carbide gun mud صنبور الفرن الانفجار
DCTC-16 Self-flowing castable Medium and large railway lines
DCTC-17 Spray castable سلك حديد فرن صهر متوسط ​​وكبير
DCTC-18 Quick-drying castable Main trench for small and medium blast furnaces
DCTC-19 Ramming material Main ditch iron wire and iron ditch for medium and small blast furnace
DCTC-20 Ramming material Main iron hook line and iron groove for medium and small blast furnace
DCTC-21 ASC self-flowing castable Medium and large blast furnace slag line
DCTC-22 ASC injection castable Medium and large blast furnace slag line
DCTC-23 Aluminum Magnesium Castable Desiliconization swing nozzle
DCTC-24 Graphite ASC castable Main ditch slag line
DCTC-25 Graphite ASC castable Main ditch slag line
DCTC-26 ASC gunning material الخندق الرئيسي