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يحتوي نظام التبريد على أجهزة حماية سلبية ، فما نوع الحماية التي يحتاجها المشغل لأخذ زمام المبادرة للقيام به؟

يحتوي نظام التبريد على أجهزة حماية سلبية ، فما نوع الحماية التي يحتاجها المشغل لأخذ زمام المبادرة للقيام به؟

First of all, the machine must be switched on and off according to the process. Not only passive protection, but also “active protection” for the freezer. This is a basic common sense of how the freezer is used, but many people who are responsible for the operation of the freezer don’t understand it.

ثانيًا ، الفريزر خارج الخدمة لفترة طويلة وتوقف الإنتاج. بادئ ذي بدء ، من الأفضل بدء تشغيل الفريزر على فترات منتظمة لتجنب المشاكل المختلفة التي تسببها فترات طويلة من عدم التشغيل.

In addition, the refrigeration system should be thoroughly cleaned and cleaned when the machine is out of service for a long time or when production is stopped. Specifically, the refrigerant, chilled water, and cooling water should be completely cleaned up. It is also recommended to clean and clean the condenser, evaporator, etc. at the same time to ensure the normal operation of the condenser and evaporator, so that it can be used more easily in the future.

Attention should also be paid to avoid allowing the compressor to run at full load or even overload. Long-term high-load operation, or even full-load or overload operation, will cause great damage to the refrigerator compressor, and will not only accelerate the various components of the entire refrigerator system, but also The aging of the compressor will also disrupt the maintenance cycle, and will have to pay high electricity bills, and the increase in electricity bills is very disproportionate to the output of cooling capacity.