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تكوين معدات الإنفاذ الحراري ذات التردد المتوسط ​​لقضيب الصلب

تكوين معدات الإنفاذ الحراري ذات التردد المتوسط ​​لقضيب الصلب:

تتكون معدات الإنفاذ الحراري ذات التردد المتوسط ​​من قضيب فولاذي من مصدر طاقة تسخين بالحث ، وإطار فرن ، ومستشعر ، وكابل توصيل / قضيب نحاسي ، وأسطوانة دفع ، وبرج فرز لقياس درجة الحرارة بالأشعة تحت الحمراء ، ونظام تحكم بشاشة تعمل باللمس بواجهة بين الإنسان والآلة ، ووحدة تحكم PLC ، وتغذية لوح الغسيل يتكون من آلة ونظام تغذية ونظام تفريغ.

Fourth, the advantages of steel rod intermediate frequency diathermy equipment:

1. The intelligent resonant intermediate frequency power supply control of the steel rod intermediate frequency diathermy equipment, the rectification is fully open, the power factor is high, and the harmonic component is small.

2. The steel rod has fast heating speed, high production efficiency and less oxidation decarbonization.

3. The steel bar does not need to be preheated during the continuous heating process, and can be started or stopped at any time. It can be set to fully manual, fully automatic and semi-automatic forms, which has advantages in production scheduling.

4. The inlet and outlet ends of the furnace body of the steel bar intermediate frequency diathermy equipment are packaged with 4mm red copper plates, which greatly reduces the magnetic flux leakage and prolongs the service life.

5. Equipped with a two-color infrared thermometer at the outlet, which can display the current temperature of the workpiece in real time, and the heating is more uniform.

6. The PLC automatic intelligent control of the man-machine interface has the function of one-key restoration.

  1. The power is self-adaptive, the production efficiency is high, and the cost is saved.