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Choose a steel pipe quenching equipment to find a reliable induction heating equipment manufacturer

Choose a steel pipe quenching equipment to find a reliable induction heating equipment manufacturer

Composition of steel pipe quenching equipment:

1. Hava ilə soyudulmuş IGBT enerjiyə qənaət edən induksiya istilik enerjisi təchizatı:

2. İnduksiyalı qızdırıcı sobanın gövdəsi

3. Saxlama rəfi

4. Daşıma sistemi

5. Söndürmə su çəni (paslanmayan poladdan püskürtmə halqası, axın sayğacı və tezliyə çevrilmə çarxı daxil olmaqla)

6. Qəbul rəfi

7. İnsan-maşın interfeysi ilə PLC master konsolu

8. İnfraqırmızı temperaturun ölçülməsi və temperaturun avtomatik tənzimlənməsi cihazı

Features of steel pipe quenching equipment:

1. The selected steel pipe quenching equipment is controlled by a drawer type IGBT induction heating power supply, which has low power consumption and high production efficiency.

2. High degree of automation of steel pipe quenching equipment: high degree of intelligence of power supply, precise temperature adjustment, automatic tracking of frequency conversion, self-adaptation of variable load, automatic adjustment of power and other intelligent advantages. One-key start, automatically complete the heating work, no personnel on duty.

3. Continuous automated production: frequent replacement of different specifications and varieties of steel materials to adapt to different production processes, no need for personnel adjustment after frequency conversion and variable load, the entire line is cleared and process adjustment is simple and quick to meet the needs of medium and large batch production.

4. Intelligent control system: For the refined management of high energy consumption in the steel pipe quenching equipment industry, the specially developed electric energy management system can monitor and record the energy consumption per ton and the total energy consumption in batches, and effectively calculate and control the production cost.