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The principle of induction heating surface hardening

Прынцып працы induction heating surface hardening

Some parts are subjected to alternating loads such as torsion and bending, and impact loads when the workpiece is in the workpiece, and its surface layer bears a higher stress than the core. In the case of friction, the surface layer is constantly worn, so the surface layer of some parts requires high strength, high hardness, high wear resistance and high fatigue limit. Only surface strengthening can meet the above requirements. Because surface quenching has the advantages of small deformation and high productivity, it is widely used in production.

Згодна з рознымі метадамі нагрэву, павярхоўнае загартоўка ў асноўным уключае загартоўку паверхні індукцыйнага нагрэву, гашэнне паверхні нагрэву полымем, гашэнне паверхні нагрэву электрычным кантактам і г.д.

Induction heating surface quenching: Induction heating is to use electromagnetic induction to generate eddy currents in the workpiece to heat the workpiece.