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Shaft/gear and other table quenching complete equipment

Shaft/gear and other table quenching complete equipment

For machining manufacturers, our company has launched a complete set of surface hardening equipment for stepped shafts/optical shafts/camshafts, etc. The equipment has the advantages of stable operation, uniform surface hardening, environmental protection and energy saving.

Advantages of complete set of equipment for shaft/gear quenching:

1. Power saving: 30% power saving than electronic tube type, and 20% power saving compared to thyristor mid-frequency.

2. Stable performance: complete protection, no worries.

3. Бърза скорост на нагряване: без оксиден слой, малка деформация.

4. Small size: light weight, easy to install.

5. Индукторът е изолиран от трансформатор за безопасност.

6. Опазване на околната среда: няма замърсяване, шум и прах.

7. Strong adaptability: can heat all kinds of workpieces.

8. Температурата и времето за нагряване могат да бъдат точно контролирани, а качеството на обработка е високо.
