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Plate material forging heating furnace

Plate material forging heating furnace

For plate material forging heating furnace, look for China Songdao Technology. According to your process requirements, we can tailor a suitable plate material forging heating furnace to meet your different needs. The professional manufacturer of plate material forging heating furnace adopts man-machine interface PLC. Automatic intelligent control system, one person can operate the production of a complete set of induction heating equipment, with high production efficiency.


Technical parameters of plate material forging heating furnace:

1. Sistem napajanja, 100KW-4000KW/200Hz-8000HZ inteligentno napajanje indukcionog grijanja srednje frekvencije.

2. Materijal radnog komada: ugljični čelik, legirani čelik, visokotemperaturni legirani čelik, itd.

3. Main purpose: used for diathermy forging and forming of plates, steel plates and slabs.

4. Pretvorba energije: zagrijavanje svake tone čelika na 1150°C, potrošnja energije 330-360 stupnjeva.

5. Obezbedite konzolu za daljinsko upravljanje sa ekranom osetljivim na dodir ili industrijskim računarskim sistemom prema potrebama korisnika.

6. The plate material forging heating furnace has all-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters, allowing you to control the plate material forging heating furnace handily.

7. Funkcija upravljanja recepturama, moćan sistem upravljanja recepturama, nakon odabira parametara klase čelika i tipa ploče koji će se proizvoditi, relevantni parametri se automatski pozivaju i nema potrebe da se ručno bilježe, konsultuju i unose potrebne vrijednosti parametara raznim obradacima.

Advantages and characteristics of the board:

1. Vazdušno hlađena IGBT kontrola napajanja indukcijskog grijanja, niska potrošnja energije i visoka efikasnost proizvodnje.

2. Velika brzina zagrijavanja, manje oksidativne dekarbonizacije, ušteda materijala i troškova.

3. The heating furnace for plate material forging has uniform heating, extremely small temperature difference between core and surface, high temperature control accuracy, high degree of automation, and can realize fully automatic operation.

4. The strong working stability, reliability and safety of the plate material forging heating furnace are the guarantee for the normal and stable operation of the heating production line of the assembly line.

5. Sistem kontrole temperature zatvorene petlje, infracrveni termometar mjeri temperaturu zagrijavanja blanka na izlazu iz peći za indukcijsko grijanje i prikazuje temperaturu zagrijavanja obratka u realnom vremenu. Kvalificirana stopa gotovih proizvoda je visoka, što osigurava postojanost kvaliteta proizvoda. To

6. The medium frequency forging heating furnace for plate materials has a high start-up success rate. It can be started quickly under any load and any temperature, with intelligent protection and perfect fault diagnosis.