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Unsa ang mga natad sa aplikasyon sa epoxy glass fiber pipe?

Unsa ang mga natad sa aplikasyon sa epoxy glass fiber pipe?

Epoxy glass fiber tube (epoxy resin tube) is a commonly used electrical and electronic insulation material. It has good corrosion resistance, high pressure resistance, high temperature resistance, high strength, especially good electric heating performance. It can work for a long time at a voltage of 230kV without fatigue. The breaking torque of the epoxy glass fiber tube exceeds 2.6kn·M. It can be used normally even in a complicated environment with humidity and high temperature.

At present, epoxy glass fiber pipes have relatively important applications in the industrial field. It is mainly suitable for electrical, mechanical and electronic parts with high insulation structure, which can play a good insulation role, thereby ensuring the normal operation of electrical equipment. It can be said that epoxy glass fiber tube is an indispensable part of many equipment.