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Hvad er grunden til, at det smeltede jern, der smeltes af induktionssmelteovnen, induceres af induktion?

Hvad er grunden til, at det smeltede jern, der smeltes af induktionssmelteovnen, induceres af induktion?

The induction melting furnace is heated by electromagnetic induction, and induction current will be generated on the charge (molten steel), otherwise the charge will not melt. The operator or the person carrying the molten iron will feel numbed by the electric shock.

Operators must wear insulated work shoes, and the ground must be kept dry.

Place rubber mats or thick wooden boards where the operator is standing.

Check whether there is molten iron in the furnace body, whether it has filled the bottom of the furnace, and the grounding of the induction coil will cause the molten iron to be electrically charged.