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Hvad er installationskravene til industrielle kølere

Hvad er installationskravene til industrielle kølere

1. Improve the standard of industrial chiller installation safety

The installation of an industrial chiller first requires the use of professionals to complete the entire installation process. Secondly, it is necessary to select high-quality wires and other equipment according to the actual use environment to meet the needs of industrielle kølere.

2. Lederens ydeevne skal være stabil

Installation af industrielle kølere skal vælge at bruge ledninger af høj kvalitet. Diameteren af ​​ledningen skal opfylde behovene for den industrielle kølemaskine, og forbindelsen på hvert sted skal være fast. Sikkerhedsbeskyttelsesudstyr såsom forsikring skal installeres i de vigtigste dele af ledningen. Når industrikøleren støder på problemer såsom for høj spænding, vil den hurtigt og effektivt afbryde strømmen for at undgå højspændingsskader ved normal brug af industrikøleren.

3. Udledningen af ​​ledningen opfylder standarden

The safety of the wire directly affects the safety of the industrial chiller. This requires careful draining of the wires before installing the industrial chiller. In more special areas, a waterproof or high temperature resistant bellows should be configured outside the wire. The use of various protection measures can reduce the influence of the wire by the high temperature environment and keep the wire in a normal working state. Make sure that the long-term use of the wire will not cause dangerous situations such as leakage of electricity.

4. The installation of industrial chillers needs to choose a suitable location

When installing an industrial chiller, you need to design the specific installation location in advance. Keeping the industrial chiller well ventilated will help improve the heat dissipation performance of the industrial chiller. Installing the industrial chiller in a location with good heat dissipation is the best. A suitable ambient temperature can avoid failures such as high temperature in the primary selection of the industrial chiller, and effectively prolong the service life of the industrial chiller.