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Basic introduction of refractory clay bricks

Introducción básica de refractory clay bricks

Clay bricks refer to clay products with Al2O3 content of 30%-40% aluminum silicate materials. Clay bricks are made of 50% soft clay and 50% hard clay clinker, which are batched according to certain particle size requirements. After molding and drying, they are fired at a high temperature of 1300~1400℃. The mineral composition of clay bricks is mainly kaolinite (Al2O3·2SiO2·2H2O) and 6%~7% impurities (oxides of potassium, sodium, calcium, titanium, and iron). The firing process of clay bricks is mainly the process of continuous dehydration and decomposition of kaolin to form mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) crystals. The SiO2 and Al2O3 in the clay brick form eutectic low-melting silicate with impurities during the firing process, which surrounds the mullite crystals.

Los ladrillos de arcilla son productos refractarios débilmente ácidos, que pueden resistir la erosión de la escoria ácida y el gas ácido, y tienen una resistencia ligeramente más débil a las sustancias alcalinas. Los ladrillos de arcilla tienen buenas propiedades térmicas y son resistentes al frío y al calor rápidos.