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Lub luag haujlwm ntawm xob laim ntes insulating lub tes tsho yog dab tsi?

Lub luag haujlwm ntawm xob laim ntes insulating lub tes tsho yog dab tsi?

Insulating bushings of lightning arresters are indispensable in the use of lightning arresters.

Kev siv cov hluav taws xob ntes hauv insulating bushings tseem muaj ntau. Txawm hais tias cov yas yas dav dav kuj tuaj yeem ua lub luag haujlwm insulating, nws tseem tsis tsim nyog siv lawv hauv kev ntes xob laim. Vim tias cov yas rwb thaiv tsev tsis tiv taus hluav taws xob, nws yuav yaj ntawm qhov hluav taws xob poob siab, tab sis los ntawm lub tes tsho insulating ua los ntawm iav fiber ntau winding yeeb nkab yog qhov zoo dua rau kev siv hluav taws xob ntes. Vim tias cov yeeb nkab epoxy tiv taus hluav taws xob thiab xeb, nws cov khoom nta zoo heev, nyab xeeb, insulating, thiab ruaj khov. Yog li ntawd, xob laim ntes insulating lub tes tsho Lub luag hauj lwm ntawm lub raj yog tseem zoo heev.

Therefore, the role of the lightning arrester insulating sleeve is very great. Now many insulating materials are replaced by epoxy pipes. Because of its advantages, the key is to be affordable and cheap, which has saved costs for many manufacturers.
