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What should I pay attention to when operating a high temperature trolley furnace?

What should I pay attention to when operating a kub kub trolley rauv?

Cov phooj ywg uas tau siv cov cuab yeej kho cua sov uas muaj qhov kub thiab txias tau paub tias qhov kub thiab txias trolley rauv yog ib qho ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ntau dua. Nws cov txheej txheem kev kho cua sov tseem ceeb yog annealing, tempering, normalizing, sintering thiab lwm yam. Cov txheej txheem no yuav tsum muaj qhov kub thiab txias heev, yog li qhov ntsuas kub ntawm qhov kev sim ntawm qhov cub yog feem ntau ntawm 1000-1800 degrees. Txhawm rau ua haujlwm xws li cov cuab yeej kub kub, kev nyab xeeb ntawm tus kheej yuav tsum tau muab tso rau hauv txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb. Yog li, peb yuav ua li cas thiaj li muaj kev nyab xeeb ntawm tus kheej? Tsuav tus neeg ua haujlwm ua cov khoom hauv qab no:

1. Tsis txhob qhib lub qhov rooj rau lub qhov cub thaum lub sij hawm cua sov ntawm lub qhov cub trolley kub.

2, tsis txhob siv lub qhov cub sim los sim cov khoom corrosive.

3. Tsis txhob kov lub thawv-hom kev sim qhov cub yam tsis tau hnav hnab looj tes tiv thaiv thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntawm lub qhov cub kub-kub trolley.

4. Tsis txhob siv lub qhov cub kub kub kom sov cov khoom xws li cov kaus poom.

5. Tsis txhob cia cov neeg ua haujlwm uas tsis tau ua haujlwm rau lub cub tawg ua haujlwm.

The first-line operators of high-temperature muffle furnaces must keep in mind the above five notions, so that they can protect their own safety when using the box-type experimental furnace.