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What is the main purpose of epoxy pipe?

Dab tsi yog lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm epoxy cev?

Epoxy pipes are mainly used as insulating structural parts in electrical equipment, and can be used in wet environmental conditions and transformer oil.

The epoxy tube is made of electrical alkali-free glass fiber cloth impregnated with epoxy resin, baked and processed by hot pressing in a molding die. The cross-section is round. The glass cloth rod has high mechanical properties. Dielectric properties and good machinability.

Qhov tshwm sim ntawm cov yeeb nkab epoxy: qhov saum npoo yuav tsum du thiab du, tsis muaj cua npuas, roj thiab impurities, xim tsis sib xws, khawb, thiab me ntsis tsis sib xws tau tso cai uas tsis cuam tshuam rau kev siv. Cracking siv.

Types of epoxy pipes:

The production process of epoxy tube can be divided into four types: wet rolling, dry rolling, extrusion and wire winding.