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Hlau melting rauv tuav txoj kev

Hlau melting rauv tuav txoj kev

Incorrect handling of the metal melting furnace will cause damage to the equipment and affect the overall application of the metal melting furnace. Therefore, the following points should be paid attention to when transporting the metal melting furnace

1. Thaum nqa lub tshuab tsis qhib nrog cov khoom nqa, nco ntsoov ua tib zoo saib xyuas txoj haujlwm thiab kev nyab xeeb ntawm txoj hlua.

2. Tsis muaj qhov xwm txheej yuav tsum tau ua kom lub qhov cub tawg ntawm cov hlau ua kom muaj kev vibration hnyav lossis qaij ntau dhau.

3. Lub thawv ntim ntawm cov hlau melting rauv yuav tsum tsis txhob muab tso rau pem hauv ntej thaum thauj.

4. Thaum unpacking, xyuas qhov sab nraud ntawm lub tshuab ua ntej, thiab xyuas seb cov fasteners ntawm cov hlau melting rauv yog xoob los yog hloov, thiab yuav tsum tau kho thiab kho ua ntej commissioning.