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How to distinguish and appraise the experimental resistance furnace?

How to distinguish and appraise the eksperimentalna otporna peć?

1. From the shape of the furnace, it can be divided into: box-type experimental furnace and tube-type experimental furnace.

2. From the operating procedures, it can be divided into: manual programming experimental furnace and artificial intelligence experimental furnace.

3. According to the atmosphere conditions required for the experiment, it can be divided into: oxidizing atmosphere experimental furnace and vacuum atmosphere experimental furnace.

4. From the rated temperature, it can be divided into: low-temperature experimental furnace (below 600℃), medium-temperature experimental furnace (600℃-1000℃), high-temperature experimental furnace (1000℃-1700℃), ultra-high-temperature experimental furnace (1800℃-2600) ℃).