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Ki diferans ki genyen ant brik ajil ak twa nivo segondè brik alumina?

What is the difference between clay bricks and three-level high alumina bricks?

Diferans prensipal ki genyen ant brik ajil ak brik segondè-alumina se kontni aliminyòm ak dansite esansyèl.

Brik ak 40-48% kontni aliminyòm yo se brik ajil. Brik Clay gen endikatè diferan nan N-1, N-2, N-3, ak N-4 nan estanda nasyonal la. Nan pwodiksyon ak itilizasyon, N-2, N-3 brik ajil yo lajman itilize, epi yo menm tou pwodwi komen ki te pwodwi pa anpil manifaktirè yo. Dansite volim la se ant 2.1-2.15. Nan ka N-1 brik ajil, kèk endikatè yo pi wo pase twazyèm klas segondè brik alumina.

Bricks with 55% aluminum content are third-grade high-alumina bricks with a bulk density between 2.15-2.25. At present, due to the production area and raw materials, the aluminum content of clay bricks is about 56%. The aluminum content of the clay bricks in Xinmi, Henan is about 56%, and the body density is above 2.15, which is basically a third-grade high-alumina brick. Moreover, the firing temperature is high, and the chemical index is not lower than the third-grade high alumina brick, but there is a difference in the softening temperature of the load.

The aluminum content of the three-level high alumina bricks currently produced is about 63%, and some have 65%. The body density is above 2.25, and the load softening temperature is slightly lower. In terms of chemical indicators, it is only different from the second grade high alumina bricks in unit weight and load softening temperature.

Koulè aparans nan brik ajil ak twazyèm-klas segondè-alumina brik se toujou diferan. Brik Clay yo wouj-jòn, ak twazyèm klas segondè-alumina brik yo blan ak jòn.

Gen yon diferans nan pwa ant brik ajil ak klas twa brik alumina segondè. Brik yo menm kalite ajil brik yo pi lejè pase klas twa brik alumina segondè. Tanperati a tire tou se pi ba pa 20-30 ° C.

Brik Clay ak klas twa brik alumina segondè gen diferans lan nan fòs konpresiv ak tanperati ralantisman chaj. Fòs la konpresiv nan brik ajil se 40Mpa, pandan y ap fòs la konpresiv nan klas twa brik alumina segondè se 50Mpa. Chaj la mou nan brik ajil se tou pi wo pase sa yo ki an klas twa. Refractoriness nan brik aliminyòm se 30-40 ℃, ak refractoriness li yo se sou 30 ℃ pi ba yo.